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Tuition fees

Class type

Fee with
1 lesson a week

​Fee with
2 lessons a week

Trial class
Private class if possible






Ooievaarspaslogo, wij zijn aanbieder van

At Dance Academy Natraj you can also join our dance classes with the Ooievaarspas with a 50% discount or a full reimbursement (100%) of your dance classes. Below you will find more information about the discount percentages that we use with regarding the cultural sector.

Age and number of classes a week

Discount percentage

One-time registration fee
Ooievaarspas up to 18 years with 1 class a week
Ooievaarspas up to 18 years with 2 classes a week
Ooievaarspas over 18 years old with 1 or 2 classes a week

€  15.00

100% discount

50% and 100% discount

50% discount

*Pay attention! One-time registration fee of €15.00 can't be paid with the Ooievaarspas.

© Rajni Ghiraw 2024 | All Rights Reserved


Website by: Just K.

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